2001 Post-Season Party Pictures

January 19, 2002

Five of the owners of this fine league.  From the looks of Bill, this was early in the night.

Bill stepped aside for the Commissioner.

The repeat champion begins dancing with the Cup.

Still dancing....

Still dancing....

I don't know if you saw Lord of the Rings, but you know how the ring wants to get back to its rightful owner?

Well, the Gregory Cup is the same way....


Preparation of the winner's Tab and vodka drink.

Rusty predicting a three-peat.  Hags arrived late after watching his Iggles beat the Bears.

Rusty calling attention to the last two Cup winners.

The drink is ready... in Bill's dog dish.

Rusty obviously faking his enthusiasm...

... finally taking the plunge.

Bill ending the evening all shit-faced....

.... and passed-out.