2006 Post-Season Party Pictures
March 2-3, 2007
The party was held at Greg's place in Centreville, VA. Early on Friday night the Katchuk Cup was presented
to Bill over the phone..
Jody and Rusty gathered around the TV for the draft lottery in great anticipation.
The lottery results... the Mud get the first pick.
Smokey playing pool.
Early on in the poker game that went until dawn.
Greg wins a hand.
Smokey, you're full of shit.
Goya... Oh boya.
Saturday night we went to the Caps-Islanders game.
After the game at Fado's in DC.
Back at Greg's, the presentation of the Orr Trophy.
Rusty salutes the new owner of the Gregory Cup.
Greg returns Rusty's salute while drinking the customary tab and vodka.
Better not let Alex see this, Greg.
Jody making it rain...
The new champ getting intimate with the Cup.